Thunderbolt Template

This page also has a number of customizable options.

On the banner, we can adjust the colors from green, to your shade of whatever color you like. Additionally, we can add/subtract links from the top as required. Plus, the 2 pictures you see there (the goat and the herd) can be swapped for pictures of your choosing.

Pictures on the right could be swapped out with your own pictures, and the buttons can also be moved up or down or changed. The pictures can also contain links.

The picture at the bottom can be swapped out. Pictures can be added within this box, as well.


All of the colors and text can be interchanged for something suiting your tastes.

I would probably use this as my intro page, and then make a slight modification to the other pages, with more traditional links on the left in a row.

We can also add a background image if you don't like the white background.

And contact information can go at the bottom of each page.

And since this the Thunderbolt's template, I had to add his banner.


Our bucks come from great genetics.  For more, click on the button below.
Our does are in the fall kidding season.  We expect 50 kids in the next couple of weeks.  Click on the button to see the Mama's.
 We currently have 15 goats for sale on our for sale pages.  With the kidding season at hand, we project a bunch more in the future.  Stay tuned.
We do not currently have any Border Collies or Great Pyrenees puppies for sale.  If you want to be on a mailing list when they become available, please send an e-mail.
We have added a recommended reading list to our articles. In the future, we are going to add a Frequently Asked Questions page as well.